Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Procter & Gamble Case Study - Reflection

Dear Fellow C-Levels,

Hope this note finds you well. Please excuse my absence during our final decision meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with my final recommendation on the issue at stake. As our current paper based process is inefficient and outdated, we need to implement an effective and sustainable solution that will allow for better management of our trials.

As you are aware, my initial recommendation pertaining to reducing time to data lock was to implement the Web-enabled EDC system on all of our trials. After the consultant’s presentation I am even more convinced that this is the only viable option that will address our problem and provide a sustainable solution. Opting for improvements to our paper based process, even with implementation of the digital image processing, will only address the symptoms of our problem and provide little improvement. It may also prove to be costly with additional resources spent on scanning, storage and/or expedited shipments of trial materials. The consulting team cited some interesting cost savings associated with the Web-enabled EDC System, such as $872 thousand per drug saved from reduced data entry, additional $4 million per drug saves from reduced CRA visits, and let’s not forget, the $84 million per drug in increased sales due to decreased time to data log.   

It is our duty and objective to maximize returns to our shareholders, cultivate the relationships and cooperative environment with the key players in the process as well as ensure integrity and security of patient data. Further delay in implementing the Web-based EDC system not only put these goals in jeopardy but also position our company in competitive disadvantage. As our business needs and circumstances and technology change, we need to change with them. In the face of global economic volatility and dwindling consumer confidence, we need to act on our commitment to innovation, driving long-term business growth. The benefits of implementing the Web-based EDC system will not only improve our bottom line but also allow us to introduce our drugs to the market, to our consumers that await the treatments and benefits we promised to offer.

Without much ado, let’s vote for innovation!

Best regards,

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